The Lottery By Shirley Jackson
My Views-
Villagers gather at the town square,
in an idyllic fictional small
to participate in an
age-old ritual of “The Lottery”!
Children gather stones,
not to build or play,
but for a more diabolical
plan! ☹
Pieces of paper are
stored in a black wooden box.
The colour black,
foreshadows, something ominous!
But none can guess.
Chits are pulled out, by
one, by all,
but lightning falls on
one of the housewives.
She pulls out a chit with
a black mark,
And what follows is fiendish,
She begs, she pleads,
she calls it unfair,
but a ritual is a ritual,
and needs to be executed
for all.
Please read for yourself to know! π(no-spoilers)
This Shirley
Jackson’s(SJ) story, published in 1948, is “devastatingly shockingly dramatically
intricately edifying”
Lottery, is an age-old
tradition, followed with a superstition of-
“Lottery in
June, corn be heavy soon”
The fertility of corn has
been linked with the lottery. The ghoulish result of the lottery, is
considered to bring auspiciousness and growth! A superstition, which people
have been following, without questioning, or fighting against it!
In today’s world,
out of peer pressure, in any of the set-ups :-be it in school or office, house or market, humans follow each
other impetuously- “the herd mentality”, without questioning the wrong or
right! This has been infallibly reflected upon by SJ! We end up following
traditions, protocols, without pondering, without questioning ourselves. If
the rules/protocols, are valid, and good for the self/society or not?
In the plot, no one is contrite, but roguishly participates in the ordeal, blindly, recklessly! In my view, the huge group participating in the lottery, is a metaphor for democracy! SJ, has dawned upon us all, a question on conscious mindful living, and how democracy can also fail, devastatingly! We end up reading a lot on totalitarianism, and so on and so forth.
The Lottery, made me to question myself, the blindness of
the herd mentality, that democracy brings along. Democracy, in all
plausibility, can render as a complete failure, when the people involved are
blind, unconscious and uneducated about right and wrong. A good education
and reformative ways, are the necessary pillars of a democracy, for it to
function smoothly! Democracy should capacitate, it’s populace to live
consciously and fearlessly. I know it may sound lame, that I am linking
democracy with “The Lottery”, but I felt, that’s what SJ also tried all of us
to reflect on!
This reading
left me emotionally knackered and jaded, considering, the premise in which I
started reading, all gaiety and hearty, but the unexpected ending, left me to dwell
in Jackson’s mind for few days, to try and think what and how she thought! (Trying
to keep away from spoilers, which is really tough in a short story of this
I was agog from the first page till the last. I conjectured the plot to be hackneyed, as the title suggests, but I was left gob-smacked! Why Shirley Jackson, would decoy the readers with an alluring title, into a horrendous ending? But the plot, offers a good bunch of learnings, which makes it worth the read!
A definite 4-stars.
Docking a star, just for the rapid, sudden ending (though nothing felt contrived,
but is definitely crisp and nuanced!).
Confining, it is a
“requiem of the evils of superstition and herd-mentality”!!
I wish if SJ would have worked
on the short and rapid ending, and made it a bit more detailed. This would
have allowed the savage-blow and the fluttering hearts to return to the wonted quietude!
I would have helped the
reader to easily reflect more, on the superstitions/societal failures and
causes! Seriously, I could have never dreamt about the imminent diabolical
ending π
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