Agnes Grey By Anne Bronte
My Views- My incorrigible propensity for books with Biblical references and teachings, decoyed me into this precious work of gracious civility in the midst of hardships! Agnes Grey, delineates, that amidst all the tormenting, hardships, lamentations and broodings, the tenets of love-laden Christianity can flourish life, infallibly! The tenacity of enduring hardships at home and vexations in profession, and abiding by the endearing Christian tenets, earned Agnes a loving husband, home and children! Persistent unshaken firmness, devoted diligence, unwearied perseverance and unceasing care, towards family and profession, qualified Agnes, to earn a happy ending for herself. I applaud the positive ending of this novel, on a happy-note!! We are often shielded by our own obscurity, and secure ourselves, by closing all doors to vulnerability. But Anne Bronte, audaciously, lay her life and views, all naked, in this first novel of hers. Commendable! Isn’t it? Agnes Grey, is a d...