The Princess Bride By William Goldman
To help recuperate the sick child (Author William Goldman ), the old father reads out the story of “ The Princess Bride ” by S. Morgenstern to him. Years later, obsessed with the book, determined to procure a copy of it, extensively rummaging through bookshops, William Goldman finally ends up finding an ancient copy of it. He eventually realizes that his father read out only the “ good parts of the story ”, and resorts to opting for the fictional route of writing the abridged story of “The Princess Bride”. Well going through the extended introduction was wee tedious and boring for me, so I skimmed through it . I was assiduously seeking to whet my appetite for fantasy by seizing the main adventure story of Buttercup and not the story of the rhyme and reason for abridgment by the author. Additionally, the author kept barging with his POV throughout the story, giving a feel of a book within a book, which kept distracting me from my dreamland sporadically, which I ...