
Showing posts from August 18, 2022

Cranford By Elizabeth Gaskell

The fictitious town of “ Cranford ” is in possession of amazons, dominated by the genteel women comprising of widows and elderly spinsters. The novel is recited by Mary Smiths (which we eventually get to know as the novel progresses). Written as a collection of inter-woven short stories, Cranford is not based on a major-plot but I felt it to be a Victorian-era soap opera belonging to the aristocratic genteel class. This fictional city has an infallible religion of - abiding to the social-hierarchy and contempt for men. But the beauty of the novel is, though initially they speak of indifference towards men but nowhere there is a stern condemnation for men portrayed, rather in subtle gentle ways help towards their family is rendered and their wisdom/instruction is followed.   All the episodes are cited in a satirical and hysterical tenor. Even the poignant episodes ensue into a happy ending. The novel brims with emotions and lessons of friendship and kindness. Even foe...