The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame


delightful and entrancing story for children to wonder and adults to ponder!

The protagonists, our incorrigible and exasperating toad, the loyal and responsible friends, the water rat and ever-gadding mole, and finally our revered badger. 

It's about the forest adventures of the comrades rat and toad, luncheons, dinner parties, forest gala setting and hubbub, the vanity and conceited adventures of Mr. Toad and the sagacity of our revered Badger. All are gallivanting around in the forest, a pure joyride!

Kenneth Grahame can make anyone develop a stark fascination for forests by his brilliant exposition of dense nature theme and tidbit details that go unnoticed. There is no moment of mental lull when you dive into this menagerie of our distinctive and adorable protagonists.

A meditative outstanding forest joyride which professes loyalty and value of friendship, ramifications of greed and robbery, misjudgments and reverence , conceit and vanity, and above all - animal etiquettes. 

The animal kingdom religiously adheres to few protocols (human kingdom should learn about the diligent adherence to etiquettes, world will become a paradise for all !)

"It is quite against animal etiquette to dwell on possible trouble ahead, or even to allude to it"

No animal, according to the rules of animal-etiquette, is ever expected to do anything strenuous, or heroic, or even moderately active during the off-season of winter.”

A perfect 5-star for this meditative read on this amusing menagerie and hilarious adventures.

Nb - I loved how the  jailer's daughter, clever and perspicacious, eventually befriends the toad and helps him escape from the prison.

For adults- There are so many insanely trivial things that we miss out in our daily lives, which this nature-themed exposition and colorful distinctive menagerie will teach us to ponder and appreciate!


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