The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz

Just like any other self-help book, it sounds like a cyclic-repetitive dance of words. Don't know if it intentional or that's how all the self-help books end up sounding due to brimming plagiarism. But this too for me was juvenile, banal and repetitive. This book is filled with platitudes about how one should go on condemning the prevailing and existing to set onto the journey of betterment. 

I am not against it, but was expecting this book more on Shamanism, exposition of nature for self-healing and Toltec wisdom from this erudite who was a surgeon and then turned into a Toltec spiritualist.

Author Don Miguel Ruiz was born into a family of Shamans and went onto attending medical school to become a surgeon. His bloodline inspired him to explore more of his ancient ancestral wisdom. Four Agreements is a synopsis of his findings and ancient wisdom.

The concoction of the four agreements is - 

1. Be impeccable with your word.

2. Don’t take anything personally.

3. Don’t make assumptions.

4. Always do your best.

The edifying journey of 138 pages for knowing the above four principles from a well-known Shaman wasn't worth the effort for me.

It was not volcanic, ground breaking or earth shattering. We all are already aware of the principles, and these books definitely hep us to recall, remind and stay inspired to do better, but then I already have too many books doing this job.

I had better Shamanic expectations from Don Miguel Ruiz 

My over-expectations lend this book 3-stars.


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