Gitanjali By Rabrindanath Tagore

A medicine for coping with the ineffable mysteries of the soul.

From a life laden with romance in the teens, then battered with mishaps, Tagore turned towards embracing life in totality with zest. Instead of turning into an escapist, he cradled life with sweetness. Each and every word is a solution not only to daily perplexities, but also a catalyst to daily joys. It all depends on how the reader discerns. The mood, state of mind of the reader will help him perceive new meanings every time. "A lifelong read "

I witnessed a lot of similarity between David in Bible(the psalms) and Tagore in Gitanjali. After reading Gitanjali, I can confirm that he was greatly inspired by David and his psalms, along with his personal pragmatic experiences. A definite 5-star for this.

Each and every poem is special and cannot pick one, but for today I reverberate with - 

"He came and sat by my side but I woke not. What a cursed sleep it was, O miserable me!
He came when the night was still; he had his harp in his hands, and my dreams became resonant with its melodies.
Alas, why are my nights all thus lost? Ah, why do I ever miss his sight whose breath touches my sleep?"


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